Hearing Care Blog

Stay connected with your clients and fit hearing aids online

Reading Time: 3 min.

Want to stay connected to your clients when face-to-face visits are not possible?

Oticon RemoteCare gives you the tools needed to perform a large variety of hearing services, online.

Digital support is the future of healthcare

Did you know you can offer follow-up appointments at your client’s convenience? With Oticon RemoteCare you can support your clients remotely, securely and comfortably.

Oticon RemoteCare utilises the wonders of mobile technology to let you hold virtual appointments with selected clients, where you can remotely adjust their hearing aids and provide online counselling. Furthermore, you can ensure you stay connected and support your clients throughout their hearing care journey, even when physical appointments are not possible.

With RemoteCare you can provide a convenient, and most importantly, professional, fitting and support from afar.

First fit with RemoteCare during the coronavirus pandemic

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, we are currently expanding the service to also provide you with the option to perform a first fit through RemoteCare. If a hearing aid user has a valid audiogram, you can ship them hearing aids and then fit and fine-tune them to your client’s specific requirements - without them having to physically visit the clinic.

Remote hearing test solution

Even if you do not have a valid audiogram for your client, you can still do a first fit with Oticon RemoteCare. You can simply send them the GSI AMTAS™ Flex home hearing test solution. This standalone test system uses a tablet and calibrated headphones to measure air conduction thresholds. Once the GSI AMTAS Flex system is returned to you, you’re ready to fit them using Oticon RemoteCare.

Find out more from your Oticon representative

After remote fitting, make sure to schedule a physical appointment with your client as soon as possible, to ensure the hearing aids are used correctly and to adjust them if necessary1. Please contact your local Oticon representative to confirm whether first fitting through Oticon RemoteCare and GSI AMTAS Flex is currently supported in your country.

A digital solution to support your business

Your business will be on the pulse of technology, providing you with a competitive edge

You will be able to offer online counselling or support for routine adjustments, and to conduct remote follow-up appointments with your clients whenever needed


You will save clients time by offering a flexible service that can reduce the need to come into your clinic

You will be helping clients beyond the constraints of distance and mobility. You will be able to continue supporting your clients when they are on vacation, throughout injury/sickness, when they find it hard to take a break from work, or challenging environments make it hard for them to travel.

“In this unprecedented time of the COVID-19 pandemic, it allows us to help patients remotely at a time when they need it most. The interface is easy to use for both providers and patients and as providers, we have access to many of the features we would manipulate when patients are in the clinic, with minimal limitations.” Micheline Gauthier, Doctor of Audiology, Atlantic Audiology, Rhode Island, USA

You will enjoy more flexibility – both for you and your clients

By offering a digital aftercare service, you will be able to work from home or to offer after-hours support if you wish to, for more flexibility and even more convenience for your clients.


You will be able to support clients during the first days and weeks with their new hearing aids

During the crucial first weeks when your clients are becoming accustomed to their new hearing aids, you will be able to provide them with extra support that will help them move forward positively without the need for regular visits to the clinic.

Want to learn more?

Contact your local Oticon sales representative to learn more about how your clinic can get started with Oticon RemoteCare.

